YOUNIE L. How might aesthetic engagement transform practitioner ways of knowing? In: Poltrum M, Musalek M, Fox H, Galvin K, Saito Y, editors. Oxford Handbook of Mental Health and Contemporary Western Aesthetics: Oxford University Press Handbook Volume; In Press
YOUNIE, L. The Gift. Journal of Holistic Healthcare. In Press
YOUNIE, L. 2023. What is co-creation and why is it so valuable to the future of medical education? Journal of Holistic Healthcare, 20, 38-40.
ARMSTRONG, S., ALBERTI, H., BHATTACHARYA, A., DHOKIA, B., HALL, L., LAWES-WICKWAR, S.LOVAT, E., PANDYA, S., PARK, S., POPE, L., SAJID, M., WILSON, P. & YOUNIE, L. 2023. Students’ and tutors’ experiences of remote ‘student–patient’ consultations. Medical Teacher, 1-9.
PETERS, D., JOBST, H. & YOUNIE, L. 2022a. Editorial. What’s missing from medical education. Journal of Holistic Healthcare, 19, 2.
YOUNIE L. Compassion – walking the walk, who does the talk? Journal of Holistic Healthcare 2022;19(3):30-3.
BROWN, M. E. L. & YOUNIE, L. 2022. How creative enquiry can help educators develop learners' person-centredness. Med Educ, 56, 599-601.
SCARLETT, C, YOUNIE, L. Meandering and Writing Alongside Doreen Massey. In: Routledge, editor. Artful Collaborative Inquiry2021.
PETERS, D. & YOUNIE, L. 2021. Editorial. Flourishing in Medical Education. Journal of Holistic Healthcare, 18.
YOUNIE, L. 2021a. Humanising medical education. Journal of Holistic Healthcare, 18, 37-39.
YOUNIE, L. 2021b. Humanising medicine through co-creative self-care. Journal of Holistic Healthcare,18, 50-52.
YOUNIE, L. What does creative enquiry have to contribute to flourishing in medical education? In: MURRAY, E. e BROWN, J. (eds.). The mental health and wellbeing of healthcare practitioners: research and practice Wiley-Blackwell, 2021.
YOUNIE, L., ELLIOTT, F. & BUCKLAND, R. 2021. Interpretive voices: coproducing creative enquiry in the time of COVID-19. Public Health, 196, 201-203.
YOUNIE, L. Flourishing through creative enquiry: humanising the medical experience. Journal of Holistic Healthcare. 2021; 18 (1)
YOUNIE, L. When I say flourishing in medical education... Journal of Holistic Healthcare. 2020; 17(3)
YOUNIE, L.; SWINGLEHURST, D. 2020. Creative enquiry and the clinical encounter. Br J Gen Pract 70, (690): 26-27.
YOUNIE, L., & SWINGLEHURST, D. 2019. Creative enquiry & reflective general practice. Br J Gen Pract 69 (686):446-7
YOUNIE, L. 2019. Vulnerability, Resilience and the Arts. In: PATTERSON, J. KINCHINGTON, F. (ed.) Body Talk: whose language? Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars. p. 64-77.
YOUNIE, L. 2017. Beginner’s mind. London J Prim Care (Abingdon), 9, 83–85.
YOUNIE, L. 2016. Vulnerable leadership. London J Prim Care (Abingdon), 8, 37-38.
YOUNIE, L. 2014. Arts-based inquiry and a clinician educator's journey of discovery. In: C.L.MCLEAN (ed.) Creative Arts in Humane Medicine. Edmonton: Brush Education Inc.
YOUNIE, L. 2013. Introducing arts-based inquiry into medical education: ‘Exploring the Creative Arts in Health and Illness’. In: MCINTOSH, P. & WARREN, D. (eds.) Creativity in the Classroom: Case Studies in Using the Arts in Teaching and Learning in Higher Education. Bristol: Intellect Publishers.
YOUNIE, M. L. A. 2013. Art in Medical Education: Practice and Dialogue. In: V. BATES, BLEAKLEY, A. &
GOODMAN, S. (eds.) Medicine, Health and the Arts; Approaches to the Medical Humanities. Abingdon,New York,: Routledge.
REEVE, J., ABHOLZ, H., BAILEY, T., BATES, E., BOND, C., CHAUHAN, U., ELDRIDGE, S., IRVING, G.KEONG, D., MUGHAL, F., NICUM, S., SINGH, S., TAYLOR, C. & YOUNIE, L. 2011. A pause for thought: reflections on the 2011 SAPC Annual Conference. Primary Health Care Research & Development, 12, 393-394
THOMPSON, T., LAMONT-ROBINSON, C. & YOUNIE, L. 2010. ‘Compulsory creativity’: rationales, recipes, and results in the placement of mandatory creative endeavour in a medical undergraduate curriculum. Medical Education Online [Online].
YOUNIE, L. 2009. Developing narrative competence in medical students. Medical Humanities, 35, 54.