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The SS Officer’s Armchair by Daniel Lee review

Journalist David Aaronovitch has written a review for The Times on Daniel Lee’s The SS Officer’s Armchair.


Dr Daniel Lee, Lecturer in Modern French History at Queen Mary University of London has written about the life and death of a very ordinary SS officer.

Aaronovitch has reviewed Lee’s story on Robert Griesinger, a low-ranking Gestapo officer and SS lawyer, and one of Hitler’s legion Schreibtischtäter. Aaronovitch writes:

This is an admirable work of historical research, and is carefully and briskly written. Lee has been a pitbull of a researcher. He found the scattered family and went to interview them. He visited the houses that the Griesingers had lived in. He chased down their neighbours. He sought and probably found every extant document concerning Dr Griesinger, discovering that, remarkably, 27 libraries round the world hold copies of Griesinger’s law PhD.

Read the review here



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