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Interior Frontiers

When: Tuesday, May 24, 2022, 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Where: Online, Ms Teams

Speaker: Professor Suzanne Hall (London School of Economics)

 Professor Ann Stoler lead a discussion on 'interior frontiers' – a concept created by Johan Gottlieb Fichte in the early nineteenth century and reanimated by Étienne Balibar some thirty years ago. Professor Stoler will discuss how this concept can help us understand the racialized forms of colonial government operate in modern societies through both the unspoken and implicit distinctions that diverse forms of racism mobilise. 

About the speaker

Professor Ann Stoler is Willy Brandt Distinguished Professor of Anthropology and Historical Studies at The New School for Social Research, founding Director of The Institute for Critical Social Inquiry, founding Co-Editor of Political Concepts: A critical lexicon. Her books include Duress: Imperial Durabilities in Our Times (2016), Thinking with Balibar, co-edited (2020); Imperial Debris: On Ruins and Ruination, ed. (2013); Along the Archival Grain: Epistemic Anxieties and Colonial Common Sense (2009) Carnal Knowledge and Imperial Power: Race and the Intimate in Colonial Rule (2002), Tensions of Empire, ed. with Frederick Cooper (1997) Race and the Education of Desire (1995); Interior Frontiers: essays in the entrails of inequality, forthcoming with Oxford this Spring.

The chair

Professor Engin Isin chaired the seminar.

Please watch the recording below

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