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IHSS Faculty Forum: Collaboration

When: Wednesday, March 30, 2022, 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
Where: Online, MS Teams,

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What does collaborative work involve? What recent innovations in collaborative research might we learn from and what sorts of collaboration should we seek to build more of in HSS disciplines: with external partners, with practitioners, with other faculties?

What are the principles of collaborative working practices that could be emphasised more in our own research? And what of the challenges: is there sufficient space and support in modern scholarship for non-collaborative work to be valued still? What technical platforms does effective collaborative benefit from? And what of its’ moral economy: are there any longer “two” cultures of research and if not, are HSS subjects doing enough to define the landscape of “large scale” macro-research platforms that often stem from more science-led innovations?

Join us for an engaged and lively discussion on these themes.  

About IHSS Faculty Forum

Hosted by IHSS the Faculty Forum is a space for open discussions among colleagues from across the HSS at Queen Mary University of London. 



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