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Latin American Decolonial Feminism Workshop

When: Thursday, April 14, 2022, 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Where: Online, Zoom,

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This one-day interdisciplinary workshop on Latin American decolonial and feminist studies brings together doctoral researchers, ECRs, senior scholars, and activists working on subjects that overlap with this framework in Britain. The workshop will explore both the challenges and the potential of this process, and it hopes to be the basis for the creation of a scholars and activist network.

About the event

The event will include three panels with speakers from the world of activism and academia. Please download the event details and  Timetable - Latin American Decolonial Feminism Workshop 14.04.2022 [DOC 48KB]

About the speakers

Dr Emmanuelle Santos

Dr Emmanuelle Santos is a Senior Lecturer in Modern Languages at the Department of Modern Languages at University of Birmingham, where she also coordinates the Portuguese Studies programme and the Instituto Camões’ Cátedra Gil Vicente. Her research focuses on the intersections between the cultures of the Portuguese-speaking world, postcolonial studies, and theories of world literature, drawing attention to the global-local dialectics in epistemology and literary and critical theory. Her work also addresses representations of race, gender and sexuality, memory studies, world-systems theory, and decolonial critique especially with regards to structures of inequality, oppression and hegemony.

Dr Katucha Bento

Dr Katucha Bento is a Lecturer in Race and Decolonial Studies at the University of Edinburgh with a background rooted in the Black Movement in Brazil, samba community and quilombo territory. She co-founded the Free Afro-Brazilian University (UNAFRO) aiming at promoting educational spaces using decolonial perspectives. Her focus in theory and praxis are centre Black Feminisms, (De)coloniality, Queer Studies and anti-racist pedagogies to work creatively with subversive language (in translation and neologisms), artistic expressions in Queer and Black subculture, and in collaboration with peers attentive to promoting ethics of caring and power to the people. 


Organisers: Dr Valentina Aparicio, Queen Mary University of London and Dr Ana Laura Zavala Guillén, Queen Mary University of London.

If you are interested in getting involved we would also love to hear from you! Contact us at:


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