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The Meanings of Internationalism: An Evening Symposium

When: Friday, June 10, 2022, 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Where: LSE Lecture Theatre, Centre Building, Houghton Street, London, WC2A 2AE

Bringing together speakers from across international studies and the history of political thought, the symposium will try to add determinacy to our concepts of internationalism by interrogating its complex and often contradictory histories in different regions and movements across the twentieth century

About the event

Speakers: Dr Maria Chehonadskih (University of the Arts London),  Dr Dilar Dirik (University of Oxford), Dr Layli Uddin (Queen Mary University of London), Dr Musab Younis (Queen Mary University of London)

Chair: Dr Lukas Slothuus (London School of Economics and Political Science) with Miri Davidson (Queen Mary University of London)

Organised by Radical International Theory Research Group (Alexander Stoffel, Felix DelCampo, Timor Landherr and Miri Davidson) and Millennium: Journal of International Studies, with the generous sponsorship of the Leverhulme Trust.

Please note that this event is limited to 80 attendees – please arrive early to make sure you get a seat! The symposium will be followed by a wine reception until 9:00 PM.

For more details please click on the booking link.

About Mobile People

This event forms part of the Mobile People programme of work. It is a Leverhulme Trust Doctoral Scholarship programme at Queen Mary University of London, Institute for the Humanities and Social Sciences and School of Politics and International Relations. For more information please visit IHSS Ongoing projects page.

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