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Climate, Menopause, and Reproduction Talk

When: Tuesday, June 4, 2024, 5:30 PM - 6:30 PM
Where: QMUL, ArtsOne Building, Pinter Studio, Mile End Road, London, E1 4PA

A part of Peopling the Palaces Festival 2024

A talk and Q&A with Dr Heather McMullen, senior lecturer in Global Public Health at Queen Mary. This talk will explore Dr. McMullen’s recent research into how climate change and other environmental crises relate to sexual and reproductive rights and politics, particularly how these intersections are framed in global policy and advocacy, and how they are experienced by people in regards to their own reproduction.

This event is part of Peopling the Palaces Earth Crisis and Climate Hope day - a day of performances, workshops, and talks exploring the climate crisis, our relationships with the non-human, and what it means to practise radical hope in the midst of catastrophic change.

IHSS Critical Hope Network and Peopling the Palaces Festival 2024 joint event

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