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Wolfson Institute of Population Health

Research themes

Lead: Rohini Mathur and Jianhua Wu

Patient reported information

  • Exploration of novel sensing techniques (including wearables) for capturing new data on patient-collected or reported outcomes relevant to social health and wellbeing.

Unstructured data

  • Use of advanced sensing and natural language processing techniques to capitalise on the potential of unstructured datasets which contain rich information on patient symptoms and experiences.

Data across the life course

  • Novel approaches to using health data across the life course to develop disease classifications from all available information on health states and traits, including multiple long-term conditions.

Place-based data

  • Scaleable innovations in methods to identify and link communities and households to individual-level health data and their application to assess geospatial aspects of the built and wider environment, and to design and evaluate cluster-based interventions and natural experiments.
The programme is framed in four scientific themes: Human-data interaction; Health data in practice; Effective and efficient evaluation; and Actionable information.

You will work with your supervisors to develop an interdisciplinary research proposal within one of these four themes.

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Wellcome PhD research themes
Wellcome PhD research themes
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