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UK Adult ITP Registry

UK Adult ITP Registry

UK Adult ITP Registry

Hello and welcome to the UK Adult ITP Registry Website. The site is designed to assist clinicians and researchers taking part in the UK Adult ITP registry, as well as providing additional information which will be of interest to patients with ITP.

Aims: to collect clinical information (age at onset, bleeding symptoms, treatments given and responses), standard lab tests, and investigational assays. All this information will be analysed looking for associations between the presence of genetic variations and (i) development of ITP, (ii) responses to treatment, (iii) severity of ITP and several other parameters. We are keen to involve as many UK centres as possible.
Revised Adult ITP Registry Protocol: We encourage all collaborating centres that have not already done so, to file for local R & D approval for the latest version of the protocol (version 5.0, 1st August 2023).

Several new ITP Clinical Centres are to be established around the UK. These are sites with a specific interest in ITP which meet certain criteria, each with a designated Haematologist. The aim of these proposed Centres is to provide specialist ITP advice locally, to avoid patients having to travel to, for example, the Royal London Hospital, for ITP advice.

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