Information Security
Information security (InfoSec), is the practice of protecting information by mitigating information risks.
The term 'information security' means protecting information and information systems from unauthorized access, use, disclosure, disruption, modification, or destruction in order to provide integrity, confidentiality, and availability.
Our primary function is the balanced protection of the confidentiality, integrity and availability of data (CIA) while maintaining a focus on efficient policy implementation and availability.
Information Security & Acceptable Use Policy Updates
Thank you for your patience during the temporary pause of the new IS01 Information Security & Acceptable Use Policy, while we have made some minor adjustments. The changes have now been made, there are no additional requirements/expectations of staff due to these changes. The changes that have been made are as follows:
• The following sentence has been added to 1.1 - The Policy provides safeguards for staff and for our information resources, but it does not seek to restrict academic freedom.
• 6.3 has been broadened to include ‘research and education activities’, and now reads - Unless in the pursuit of occupational research and education activities that have been explicitly authorised by QMUL, employees shall not visit Internet sites using QMUL accounts or QMUL owned devices that contain obscene, hateful, extremist, or other objectionable material, and shall not make or post indecent remarks, proposals or materials on the Internet. As stated in QMUL’s Legal & Policy Statement users must also not process, publish, create, store, download, distribute or transmit material or data that is:
o Prohibited by UK law
o Extremist
o Discriminatory or defamatory
o Harassing or threatening
o Derogatory to any individual or group
o Obscene or pornographic
o Engaged in any purpose that is illegal or contrary to QMUL policy or business interests
o Likely to bring QMUL into disrepute.
Policy Available from Thursday 10th August
• We are reissuing the policy on Thursday 10th August, this will be sent to all staff but only those staff who have not previously accepted the policy need to read and accept.
• If you have already accepted the policy, you will not need to take action on the newer version of it, please ignore the email requesting you to do so.
• If you have not previously read and accepted the policy, please can you read and accept it as soon as possible, it takes around 15 minutes to read. Once you have finished reading there is a button at the end of the document to click which says ‘I have read and understood’. Please ensure that you click the button as this will be recorded for audit purposes. We appreciate that staff are extremely busy at this time, but it is essential that you take some time out of your busy schedule to read this policy.