Password Manager (Staff)
QMUL’s currently recommends that users use the Microsoft Edge built-in password manager. This can be used to easily and securely; generate, store, and autofill your passwords on the Edge browser and is available on Windows, MacOS, and Linux.
These passwords can either be stored locally on one device, or, if you login to your QMUL Microsoft account in Microsoft Edge, you can sync your passwords to any browser you login to. By using your QMUL account to login and store these passwords, it ensures that your passwords are secured with the same security measures as all other services that use your QMUL Microsoft account.
- To navigate to your Edge password vault, navigate to edge://settings/passwords in your Edge browser. Here you can see the settings for your password vault as well as all your saved passwords. You can bookmark this page to easily access it in the future.
- To set up password saving in Microsoft Edge go to your password vault in Edge using the instructions above and follow this Microsoft guide:
Once you have enabled the password saving feature, Microsoft Edge will ask if you want to save your password to Edge when you next login to a website. Once saved, Microsoft Edge will be able to autofill the password when logging in to that website in the future.
- Microsoft Edge can also be used to securely generate passwords when creating new accounts. When inputting the new password, a drop-down menu will suggest a secure password that you can use for the account. This will automatically be saved in Microsoft Edge when you complete the creation of the account. See this Microsoft guide for further details:
- As an additional security measure for your password within Edge, QMUL recommends that you add a custom master password that is used to access the passwords in your browser. This can be configured to prompt you for the master password either per browser session, or every time a password is auto filled.
To set this feature up follow the steps on this Microsoft guide:
Please note that this master password is per device, so if you are using multiple devices, you will need to set up the master password for each one.
Please note that personal account credentials should not be stored in the Edge password manager associated with your QMUL Microsoft account. If you leave QMUL, you will lose access to this account and any passwords.