Voucher Fraud
The higher education sector is being increasingly targeted by cyber criminals and as a result phishing email attacks on Queen Mary are on the rise. The Information Security Team has seen multiple fraudulent email campaigns claiming to be from a member of QM staff asking the recipient to purchase vouchers. We want to reiterate that the University will never request that you purchase vouchers using a personal bank account or personal credit/debit card.
Please watch out for the following:
- Messages that do not come from a Queen Mary email address, these emails should be flagged especially if they claim to be a senior colleague.
- Messages that have a tone of urgency and are trying to get you to do something in a rush because the sender may be “busy" or "need help".
- Messages that try to get you to do something outside normal processes and procedures.
- Messages that simply don't match the way the person who claims to be a colleague normally talks to you.
- Messages that ask you to buy vouchers or make any other purchases.
If you suspect a phishing attack, please report it via via report-phishing@qmul.ac.uk.