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IT Services

E-learning Production Scheme

We are not currently seeking applications for the Production Scheme


We used to fund pieces of development that an individual academic did not have the time or skills to do themselves.  We provided a student E-Learning Assistant to help with the development and provided background oversight to ensure the project took place as planned and agreed.  

Although we had been able to offer guidance and training to staff to develop their initiatives, for larger or technically complex projects, we found that a number of good ideas were never realised simply because we couldn’t help with production. The E-Learning Production Scheme helped plug that gap and enabled us to offer valuable resource to staff who had good ideas, but perhaps not the time or skills to get the project started. We recruited and trained E-Learning Assistants to work on projects with staff. Assistant were students from within Queen Mary who worked under the direction of a Learning Technologist from the Technology Enhanced Learning Team.
The scheme was open to all staff at Queen Mary. We funded projects that were tightly defined in scope and could be completed within a single academic year. The scheme did not aim to supplement general teaching budgets nor provide regular funding for ongoing projects, but existed instead to provide a “kick–start” to new initiatives. As a general guide, we funded projects that were:
  • a new activity or initiative
  • made use of learning technologies (i.e locally supported technologies such as QMplus, QMplus Hub, QMplus Media, Q-Review or external to QMUL;
  • self-contained i.e. had a start and an end date;
  • sustainable i.e. continued without intensive TELT input after the project had finished;
  • small – i.e. required 2 or 4 weeks of an Assistant’s time; and
  • could not be funded within existing departmental teaching budget
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