Research Enablers
QMUL's High-Performance Computing Cluster, Apocrita, enables research across all academic disciplines in the university. Below are a few examples of recent research outputs that have utilised the facility, demonstrating the wide variety of work undertaken. The facility is supported by the ITS Research group at QMUL.
10 July 2023
Disagreement attention: Let us agree to disagree on computed tomography segmentation
“During the last decade, Deep Learning (DL) has achieved remarkable results on medical datasets when performing tasks like classification, segmentation, object detection, among others. The research on semantic segmentation has led to several Neural Networks (NNs) specialising in creating high-quality masks. The UNet [1] and Deeplab [2] are the most popular. Both are based on Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) and have been intensively studied and developed for the last seven years.” Read More
5 July 2023
Adsorption, activation, and conversion of carbon dioxide on small copper–tin nanoclusters†
"Carbon dioxide (CO2) conversion to value-added chemicals is an attractive solution to reduce globally accelerating CO2 emissions. Among the non-precious and abundant metals tested so far, copper (Cu) is one of the best electrocatalysts to convert CO2 into more than thirty different hydrocarbons and alcohols. However, the selectivity for desired products is often too low. We present a computational investigation of the effects of nanostructuring, doping, and support on the activity and selectivity of Cu–Sn catalysts." Read more
3 July 2023
Numerical Investigation of Jet Installation Noise for Chevron Nozzles
"Jet mixing and installation noise remains one of the leading sources of community noise during the take-off phase. Previously, chevron nozzles were primarily used as a noise reduction technology for isolated jet noise. However, a systematic investigation of chevron nozzles in installed configurations is lacking". Read More
26 June 2023
Radial-velocity discovery of a second planet in the TOI-1338/BEBOP-1 circumbinary system
"We report the detection of a gas-giant planet in orbit around both stars of an eclipsing binary star system that also contains the smaller, inner transiting planet TOI-1338b. The new planet, called TOI-1338/BEBOP-1c, was discovered using radial-velocity data collected with the HARPS and ESPRESSO spectrographs." Read more
26 June 2023
Rigid-Body Sound Synthesis with Differentiable Modal Resonators
"Physical models of rigid bodies are used for sound synthesis in applications from virtual environments to music production. Traditional methods, such as modal synthesis, often rely on computationally expensive numerical solvers, while recent deep learning approaches are limited by post-processing of their results. In this work, we present a novel end-to-end framework for training a deep neural network to generate modal resonators for a given 2D shape and material using a bank of differentiable IIR filters." Read More
26 June 2023
Deep palmar phenotyping in atopic eczema: patterns associated with filaggrin variants, disease severity and barrier function in a South Asian population
"Hyperlinear palms are described as a feature of loss-of-function (LoF) variants in filaggrin (FLG). Objectives To explore the phenotype of participants (age < 31 years) with atopic eczema of Bangladeshi ancestry from East London and investigate which factors best associate with LoF FLG variants." Read More
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