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IT Services

Project Overview

Queen Mary University of London have been victim of a number of cyber-security attacks which have impacted operations both internal and external causing significant university wide disruption. We must act swiftly to mitigate the risk of any further security breaches and ensure our systems and data are protected so that staff and students can work safely. 

This project became a priority and critical, with the objective to roll-out and adopt the Managed Service across the University. Queen Mary University of London is responsible for ensuring that our staff can work safely and that our systems and data are protected.

It also aligns with the agile ways of working, this project will offer, as an option, laptops as a replacement for desktop PCs for all users in scope of the project.  The laptop will become their new principle device. ​

Scope of the Project

Mitigate the risk of further data security breaches at the endpoint primary1 device and opportunity to adhere/align to cybersecurity best practices by eliminating the unmanaged estate and adopt our centrally QM managed service

In Scope

  • All faculties (approx. 4,000 users)
  • Staff and Research students
  • Packaging of any non - centralised applications/ software
  • license management and purchase.
  • Identify local storage and migrate to OneDrive or enable access to it.
  • Primary Devices1– QM funded unmanaged/self- managed Windows desktop PCs and Laptops.
  • Remote access to and from managed devices.
  • Design, development and implementation of a QM Managed Research Desktop Service aka ‘Play Area/ Sand-Pit/Dev Environment.' 
  • 2 HSS (Humanities and Social Sciences) 5 schools, S&E School of Engineering and Materials Science (SEMS) and school of Mathematical Sciences (SMS)
  • Mac and Linux desktop and laptops – separate projects and currently in-flight.

Out of Scope

  • SMD Wolfson Institute of Preventive Medicine and Barts Cancer Research Institute.
  • Network Migration
  • Research and Training Labs
  • Research Grant funded devices
  • ITS centrally Managed Desktop PCs and laptops
  • Own personal devices


1Primary device - this is Queen Mary funded i.e by ITS or your School/Institute and provided to you as a new starter/employee at Queen Mary, thus returned back to Queen Mary on the end of your employment.

2Revised scope - project change request approved at the March 2021 ITSB



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