IT Service Desk
The IT Service Desk provides front-line user support services for students and staff.
The IT Service Desk can help and advise on a wide range of computing issues at QMUL, we typically deal with:
- registration issues (resetting passwords, accounts etc)
- problems accessing our systems and services (email, Wi-Fi etc)
- computing advice and information
- desktop support.
You can chat with us using our Live Chat System, raise a ticket on the Self-Service Portal or call the IT Service Desk 24/7 on 020 7882 8888. Ourr operating hours are Monday to Friday, 7am-7pm.
Out of Hours phone support
Our 24/7 phone service, can be reached by dialling the usual IT Service Desk number, 0207 882 8888. They can be contacted between 7pm - 7am on weekdays; all weekends, College Closures and Bank Holidays.
If your query can’t be resolved, a ticket will be raised and passed to the IT Service Desk for further investigation.
Our promise
The IT Service Desk is dedicated to providing effective and efficient day-to-day support and request fulfillment to our students, staff, guests and partners. Our aim is to resolve user issues on first contact. When this is not possible, we will promptly escalate the issue to the appropriate specialist within IT Services. We will provide a satisfactory resolution within a timely manner.
We will treat our customers with respect and make sure that all issues raised are dealt with promptly, while providing a friendly, professional service. We expect our users to treat us in return with respect and professionalism.
Our highly-trained staff promise to:
- Listen and understand
- Keep you updated
- Request feedback
Ticket communication process
We endeavour to make initial contact with the customer within 2 hours:
- Telephone – call to obtain the necessary information, if there is no answer leave a message stating the reason for the call and how you can contact us.
- Email – send an email outlining what information you require. This will normally be a follow up to the telephone call.
- ITSM Toolset – Ticket is marked “With customer” to make it clear that we are waiting for the customer to get back to ITS.
- During the period the Analyst will make 3 further attempts to contact by phone and email (see ‘follow up’ below). The analyst will note all contact attempts in the ticket.
Follow up:
Analysts will contact customers who have not responded for more than 48 hours noting all attempts and updates within the Service Management Toolset. This is done by phone or via email.
- If a response from the customer is received the Service Desk will either resolve the issue (if the extra information has assisted resolution) or the ticket is escalated to our 2nd/3rd line teams for further investigation which may involve extra communication with the customer.
- If there is no response from the customer, on the third attempt to obtain information, the Service Desk will resolve the issue informing the customer that attempts to contact them have been unsuccessful. The customer can re-open the ticket within 5 days to progress the issue should it still be required.
We are always seeking ways to improve. Our staff will receive appropriate training, both technical and customer-focused, where we can do more at the first point of contact.
If you have concerns about how your query is, or has been managed, or you are not getting the response you need please email: