Junk and other unwanted email
It is good practice to regularly check your Junk Email folder for emails that have incorrectly been marked as junk or spam.
IT Services has measures in place to block most junk email before it hits your inbox but occasionally genuine email sometimes slip through the filters. There are some basic tips below to help you to manage your mail effectively in Office 365. You can also visit the Microsoft support pages for further tips and advice.
Office 365 Advanced Threat Protection
IT Services has introduced additional security features around email protection. Office 365 Advanced Threat Protection (ATP) is designed to counter email impersonation and phishing attempts, as well as new malicious links and attachments which previous AntiVirus software could not detect. Learn more: Advanced Threat Protection (ATP)
If you have any problems with junk mail or spam, please call the IT Service Desk on 020 7882 8888 or raise a ticket.