Set safe senders
The instructions below are ideal for emails coming from a specific person which have been appearing in your Junk folder and you no longer want this to be the case.
- You cannot add an email address as both blocked senders and safe senders
- Once you remove the address from the blocked senders list then emails from the sender should automatically arrive in your Inbox
Keep emails from specific people from going into your Junk folder - Outlook Web App (OWA)
1. Sign into your account on Outlook Web App (OWA).
2. Click on the cog wheel icon, in the top right-hand corner of the page and select Mail
3. From the left navigation panel, under Mail > Accounts select Block or allow
4. Under the Block or allow heading, select the Automatically filter junk email option
5. Under the Safe Senders and Recipients heading, type the email address, so that emails from the sender does not get moved to your Junk folder, and then select +
6. To have email that doesn't come from the Safe senders list go directly to the Junk folder, check the box next to the option: Don't trust email unless it comes from someone in my Safe Senders and Recipients list
7. Select Save.
NOTE: To edit or remove emails or domains from the Safe senders list, select the item in the list and then select "edit" or "remove" accordingly.
Keep emails from specific people from going into your Junk folder - Outlook
1. Open Outlook
2. Right click on an email > Junk and then Junk E-mail Options…
3. On the window that appears select the Safe Recipients tab. You do not need to alter the settings below
4. Select Add…
5. Enter the email address of the sender you wish to add as a safe sender and click OK
6. The email address will appear in your new list
NOTE: You can add approximately 20 addresses to your block list
7. Click Apply, then OK.
The email address has been added and the filter will start once Outlook has been restarted.
Please contact the IT Service Desk should you have any difficulties on 0207 882 8888, our lines are open 24/7, alternatively you can raise a ticket.