The QM-Visitor service provides free wireless access to all Queen Mary visitors and guests.
o About the QM-Visitor Wi-Fi Service
Use CAT installers to connect to Universities’ Wi-Fi securely – you can download and set-up CAT before arriving on campus!
Configuration using eduroam CAT sets up security so that your device will confirm that it is talking to the correct authentication server before sending your credentials (username and password), and will never send your password to an untrusted server.
You can already set this up from the comfort of your home or that holiday destination before the start of academic year!
We encourage you to do that as soon as you receive Queen Mary’s account details.
BONUS! If you are in an area where eduroam is available (most UK universities, and many other universities, research centres and other institutions worldwide), you will be able to connect to their Wi-Fi free of charge!
Configure a device for eduroam using the eduroam Configuration Assistance Tool (CAT): see below for full instructions.
- Enter your QMUL username in the format username@qmul.ac.uk (e.g. ab12345@qmul.ac.uk).
- Enter your password.
Round-the-clock help is available to students and staff via Live Chat https://www.its.qmul.ac.uk/
Configuring a device for eduroam using the eduroam Configuration Assistance Tool (CAT).
The eduroam Configuration Assistance Tool EduroamCATv2 [PDF 1,408KB] enables straightforward configuration of a range of devices for connection to the eduroam service. Use of it ensures that devices are configured correctly and securely for eduroam.
Device compatibility.
eduroam CAT installers are available for:
- Windows 7 and above
- Apple OS X
- Apple iOS
- Linux
- Chrome OS
- Android 4.3 and above
You will need your QMUL credentials (username and password), as these are to be entered as part of the configuration process.
NB: Before using the eduroam CAT on Android devices you need to have installed the free geteduroam application - this is available from the Google Play Store (search “geteduroam”).
Configuring your device.
(Note that the screenshots below are examples on Windows 10 – other operating systems will differ in appearance but the information provided/required and the steps involved should remain the same).
Configure your device for eduroam using eduroam CAT as follows:
1. Go to https://cat.eduroam.org/
2. Click on Click here to download your eduroam(r) installer button
3. In the resulting window, choose Queen Mary University of London from the available institutions:
4. If Queen Mary University of London is not visible, use the search box to find it:
5. Click on Queen Mary University of London - your device operating system should be detected and a link to the appropriate eduroam installer displayed. For example, on Windows 10:
If the operating system required is not shown, click on Choose another installer to download to see the list of installers available:
6. Click on the appropriate installer for your operating system. If prompted, click on Run. Alternatively, you can save the installer and then run it later by double-clicking the saved file.
7. When the installer is launched you are presented with a welcome page:
8. Click Next. You are presented with a dialogue box stating that the installer will only work properly if you are a member of Queen Mary University of London:
Click on OK
9. You are given the option of also configuring wired interfaces:
In most cases click on No – the option for configuring your device’s wired interface to use 802.1x authentication (the standard used by eduroam) is offered for anyone who specifically wishes to use wired eduroam.
10. You will be prompted to enter your username (you must include the @qmul.ac.uk suffix eg. ab12345@qmul.ac.uk, not just ab12345) and your password twice:
11. Click on Install. You will then be prompted to accept the installation of a new certificate as follows:
12. The eduroam CAT installer will then install the required certificate and configure your wireless connection for eduroam. You will see confirmation of successful installation:
Click on Finish.
You should now be able to authenticate to eduroam.
If you experience any problems using eduroam CAT, or connecting to eduroam, please contact the IT Service Desk on +44 (0)20 7882 8888 or raise a ticket via servicedesk@qmul.ac.uk
Manually connecting to eduroam
- Windows phone
- iPhone or iPad
- BlackBerry
- Android
- Windows computer
- Apple computer
- Mac OS X 10. 4 (Tiger)
govroam is a service offered for visitors to the QMUL campus from the public sector, allowing them to authenticate using their home organisation credentials and gain wireless internet access. QMUL does not offer govroam accounts for students or staff, but it is anticipated that some public sector organisations will offer the eduroam service at their sites (in the same way that QMUL is offering govroam), thereby enabling QMUL staff and students to connect via eduroam at more locations.
Details of the govroam service can be found here www.jisc.ac.uk/govroam.
If you are a govroam user and are having problems authenticating, please contact your home organisation in the first instance. They will contact QMUL IT Services if they determine that the problem is local to QMUL.