FAQ's and Print Service Updates
Having Issues paying Library Fines?
Service update: Library fine payment via the MyPrint Website
We are currently experiencing issues with the Library Fines payment method via the MyPrint Website, which we are investigating.
To find out more on those affected and for regular updates visit Service update: Library Fines. Alternatively, please visit the IT Services Status Page
New payment method is live!
How do I top up my credit?
Topping up credit is now live and available via the MyPrint portal, to access this function please login using your university credentials and look for Top up my account in the left hand task bar.
Find out more on How to top up credit.
iPay is Changing
How do I top up my credit?
IT Services will be completing the next phase of the student migration project. From Thursday 19th August 2021, iPay will be decommissioned and is due to be replaced with MyPrint. There will be a short term impact to Credit top ups and Library fine fucntionality whilst the transition to MyPrint is completed. We expect the works to take no longer than 2 weeks to complete.
Find out more on .
Student Printing Credit
What do I do if my Credit balance does not appear?
From August 2021 there will be changes to the way you print. IT services have updated the printing software to MyPrint. As a result of this change, there will be a temporary impact to the Credit top-up functionality. Find out more on Credit top-up.
Malta Print Service Changes
On Thursday 5th August 2021, IT Services will be migrating all Konica printers to our new software solution, PaperCut. There could be a brief impact to the printing services whilst the change is being completed, however please find out more on the Key Changes to Printing for Malta Staff and Students.
Should you require any further assistance, please contact the Service Desk via the Live Chat System or 020 7882 8888, our lines are open 24/7.
Changes to Printing
As of August 2021 there will be changes to the way you print. IT services will be replacing our current print solution with MyPrint. As a result, you will need to follow new procedures to use the printing services.
Find out more regarding MyPrint.
Should you require any further assistance, please contact the Service Desk via the Live Chat System or 020 7882 8888, our lines are open 24/7.
To help save you time we have compiled this Frequently Asked Questions page. Click on a topic to navigate to the question you need asnwering.
What do I do if my credit balance does not appear on the MyPrint Portal?
Why do my print jobs appear on E-Print but not at the device?
(Staff Only) Why is my printing balance showing as a negative?