Images Based Sexual Abuse (SPITE)
Free legal advice for revenge porn victims
The Queen Mary Legal Advice Centre can provide legal advice to victims whose intimate images or videos have been shared, or have been threatened to be shared, without their consent.
Our aims are:
• to make free legal advice as available as possible;
• to help our clients understand the legal implications of their situation;
• to inform our clients of the legal remedies available to them; and
• to provide our clients with all possible options, so they can make informed decisions.
The uploading of intimate images and videos without consent is an ever-increasing problem. We are committed to offering a confidential and sensitive environment for victims of revenge porn who are seeking free legal advice. Our team are specifically trained on the developing law in this area, as well as to the sensitivities of those who need our help. If additional emotional support is required, we are able to provide details of organisations that can assist.
Contact us
Criminal Injuries Compensation claim (CICA) guide
Four of our Queen Mary Legal Advice Centre students worked alongside Emily McFadden of Bolt Burden Kemp to create a self-help guide for clients who want to make a Criminal Injuries Compensation claim (CICA) [PDF 220KB].
This guide helps with eligibility, frequently asked questions and the processes when making a CICA Claim.
Image Based Sexual Abuse (IBSA) and the impact this has on the well-being of LGBTQ individuals
An academic team from Birmingham University are undertaking research into LGBTQ individuals’ experience of Image Based Sexual Abuse. Visit their website to find out more and take part in the study.
Please note that this study is separate to the Queen Mary Legal Advice Centre and our SPITE project.
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