CCLS Faculty Seminars
The CCLS Faculty Seminars are an opportunity for our staff and research students to present their current research to their peers.
Convenor: Dr Garry Gabison
Term 1 seminars
- 2 November 2022: "Subsidies in Aviation" - Maximiliano Escochar
- 9 November 2022: “An Empirical Study of Meta's Privacy Policy: How the Giant Process Our Personal Data Unlawfully, Excessively, and Intrusively” - Aolan Li
- 23 November 2022: “Decarbonisation and the Insurance Industry – Net Zero Aligned Insurance Products” - Franziska Arnold-Dwyer
- 30 November 2022: “Critical Legal Theory: Do We Need Less of It or More of It?” - Eric Heinze
- 7 December 2022: “Why we need Governance: how the digital transformation of international trade could make us poorer (and what we can do about it)” - Miriam Goldby
Term 2 seminars
- 8 February 2023: "Restitution and Repatriation for Museums in England" - Emily Gould
- 8 March 2023: "The Australian News Media Bargaining Code: Lessons for the UK" - Karen Lee