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School of Law

Being a Judge: Insights from the President of the Employment Tribunal

When: Tuesday, October 15, 2024, 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM
Where: TBC

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You are warmly invited to attend this informal, extremely insightful discussion, during which Judge Barry Clarke, President of the Employment Tribunals in England and Wales, will discuss his career path, his experiences of being a judge (including some of the interesting cases in which he has been involved), and the differences between his work as a criminal judge, an employment judge and an immigration judge.

As mentioned, Judge Clarke is the President of the Employment Tribunals in England and Wales, and is also a Visiting Judge of the Employment Appeal Tribunal and a recorder, hearing both civil and criminal cases. Prior to joining the judiciary, Judge Clarke was a solicitor and partner in a national law firm, an ACAS arbitrator and a trustee of a law centre.

Judge Clarke will also speak about fundamental principles such as access to justice and judicial independence, and how these influence his work as a leadership judge. He will talk about diversity in the judiciary and will answer questions about any and all matters that may interest students.

This is an extremely important event for those seeking to learn more about the role of the judiciary, the English legal system and the interweaving of the principle of access to justice through the whole system. It is also extremely relevant to those considering a career in the law, as well as to those who might consider becoming a judge in due course. The session will also be very beneficial to those with an interest in Labour Law.


Judge Barry Clarke has been the President of Employment Tribunals in England and Wales since 2020. He is the tenth President since the Employment Tribunals (and their predecessors, the Industrial Tribunals) were established in the mid-1960s. He is also a Visiting Judge of the Employment Appeal Tribunal and a Recorder. As a Recorder, he sits on both civil cases (in the County Court) and criminal cases (in the Crown Court). He is also a former national chair of the Employment Lawyers’ Association and a former Deputy Chair of the Central Arbitration Committee. He started sitting on employment cases in 2005 and on immigration cases in 2006. He was a Regional Employment Judge between 2015 and 2020.

Judge Clarke has been a Diversity and Community Relations Judge and a member of the HMCTS Equalities and Inclusion Engagement Group. He is a member of the Tribunals International Board and, as part of the United Nations Global Judicial Integrity Network, he contributed to the development of international non-binding guidelines about the use of social media by judges. He is also a leadership tutor for the Judicial College.

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