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School of Law

Book Symposium: The European Union and Deprivation of Liberty

9 October 2019

Time: 6:00 - 8:00pm
Venue: Room 313, Third Floor, School of Law, Queen Mary University of London, Mile End Road, London E1 4NS

You are warmly invited to a discussion and a wine reception to launch the first monograph of Dr Leandro Mancano, entitled The European Union and Deprivation of Liberty: A legislative and Judicial Analysis from the Perspective of the Individual (Hart 2019), published in the European Criminal Law book series.

The monograph examines the EU legislative and judicial approach to deprivation of liberty from the perspective of the following fundamental rights and principles: the principle of legality and proportionality of penalties; the right to liberty; and the principle that criminal penalties must aim for the social reintegration of the offenders. The book measures the relevant EU law against those rights; this constitutes the very core of the relationship between public powers and individual liberty. The analysis shows that the ultimate goal of the Union is the creation and preservation of the EU as a borderless area. The holistic approach adopted in the book explains how different legal phenomena connected to deprivation of liberty have come into being in EU law. It also shows that those phenomena call for solutions suitable for the peculiarities of the EU legal order.

  • Chair: Professor Valsamis Mitsilegas
  • Discussant: Dr Niovi Vavoula

Speaker Bio

Dr Leandro Mancano is Lecturer in EU Law at Edinburgh Law School and Programme Director of the LLM in European Law. Leandro’s publications focus on the interaction amongst different areas of European law and policy, such as crime, migration, and human rights. His first monograph analyses the legislative and judicial approach of the EU to deprivation of liberty in the fields of substantive and procedural criminal law, asylum and immigration, citizenship and free movement. Leandro is regularly involved in public engagement with national and international institutions, has drafted policy papers and provided evidence to the Scottish Parliament.


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