(B)OrderS Workshop: Vulnerabilities, Special Procedural Needs and the EU New Pact on Migration
When: Monday, March 24, 2025, 11:30 AM - 2:30 PM
Where: Room GC114 , Graduate Centre, Queen Mary University of London, Mile End Road London E1 4NS
This workshop will critically engage and discuss the concept of vulnerability and special procedural/reception needs in the context of migration and asylum. It will provide a space to analyse the changes brought about by the EU Pact on Migration and Asylum, assessing the implications of these changes for vulnerable populations and applicants with special procedural/reception needs, including LGBTQ individuals, children, victims of trafficking, victims of torture, and refugees with disabilities. The speakers will discuss access to procedural guarantees for vulnerable groups, covering topics such as the adjudication of special procedural safeguards in border contexts, the challenges faced by queer asylum seekers, refugees with disabilities, and the specific concerns for children on the move. The goal is to appraise potential implementation measures, as proposed by the different Member States in light of the legislative instruments, in dialogue with practitioners and key stakeholders.
Welcome: Professor Violeta Moreno-Lax ((B)OrderS Director)
Opening Speech: UK Solidaritee
Chair / Discussant: Professor Elspeth Guild (University of Liverpool).
- Minos Mouzourakis (Refugee Support Aegean)
- Nantina Tsekeri (Defence for Children International Greece)
- Dr Nicolette Busuttil ((B)OrderS / SOAS)
- Vasiliki Apatzidou ((B)OrderS / Queen Mary University of London)
- Sophia Zisakou (Lund University)
About (B)OrderS Centre for the Legal Study of Borders, Migration and Displacement
The (B)Orders Centre focuses on the study of bordering, ordering and othering processes through law. It constitutes an excellence hub for intellectual collaboration and the evaluation of the role of law in the making and unmaking of borders and their impact on global (im)mobility. It connects scholars within and beyond Queen Mary Law School to harness existing inter- and multi-disciplinary research into law, borders and (im)mobility and shape future policy and research agendas in response to global challenges.