The International dimension of Competition Law: EU, Brexit and beyond…
25 April 2019
Time: 9:30am - 5:45pm
Venue: School of Law, Queen Mary University of London, Mile End Road, London E1 4NS
Mandatory prior registration by 18 April 2019 at
09:30 – 09.50: Registration
09.50: Introduction: Barry Rodger (CLaSF), Eyad Maher Dabbah (ICC)
10.00-11.30 Brexit and UK competition law, chair: Angus MacCulloch
Eyad Maher Dabbah, Brexit and competition law: the future relationship between the UK and EU competition law regimes, ICC, QMUL
Barry Rodger, UK Competition Law Enforcement Post-Brexit: Parallel or Subsidiary to EU Law Enforcement?, Strathclyde University
David Little, A “Deep And Special Partnership”?
Risks of Misalignment In UK And EU Merger Control Post-Brexit, Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton LLP
11.30-11.45 Coffee
11.45-13:00 Brexit and Private Enforcement, chair: Barry Rodger
Annalies Outhuijse, The Netherlands, the new cartel claim paradise after Brexit?, University of Groningen
Konrad Zawodziński, Antitrust compliance and private enforcement of competition law – at the crossroads of disappearing EU law effet utile and supremacy principles, Koźmiński University
13:00-14:15 LUNCH
14:15- 15.30 Supra-national Competition law Enforcement, chair: Maria Ioannidou
Viktoria Robertson, The ECN+ Directive: Strengthening the Pillars of the European Competition Network’s Architecture, University of Graz
Francisco Marcos, Towards a Supranational Competition Policy in Central America, IE, Madrid
15.30-15.45 Coffee Break
15:45- 17.00 Competition Law and Trade Policy, chair: Francisco Marcos
Kalpana Tyagi, China’s (Ab-) use of Competition & IPRs to pursue the Industrial Policy Objectives: Does the WTO (really) have all the answers?, University of Arhus
Galyna Kostiukevych, Competition provisions in preferential trade agreements and their impact on anticompetitive conduct within global supply chains: the EU perspective, EUI
17.00-17:30 Closing Speaker- Colin Raftery, Senior Director of Mergers, CMA
17:30 Closing remarks: Maria Ioannidou (ICC), Barry Rodger (CLaSF)
17.45 Drinks, followed by speakers’ dinner, at Morgan Arms, 43 Morgan Street, Bow
For directions to the venue, please refer to the map.
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