CCLS 30th Anniversary Conference The UK Supreme Court and the Constitution' - 3 November 2010

The Centre for Commercial Law Studies at Queen Mary, University of London, held a conference to celebrate its 30th anniversary. The conference examined the first year of the UK Supreme Court and, more broadly, key developments in English law. The first session of the conference focused on the role of the Supreme Court, constitutional law and human rights. The second session provided comparative perspectives from Europe and the United States, and the third session focused on private and commercial law developments examining both specific judgments delivered by the Supreme Court and more general themes on the evolution of private law.
“The Supreme Court is, perhaps, the most pivotal institution for lawyers. It was pleasing to provide the forum for such an engaging scholarly discussion and bring together leading members of the legal community”, said Professor Takis Tridimas, Deputy Director of CCLS.
The conference featured many leading members of the legal community, and included, among others, Lord Hoffmann, Lady Justice Arden, Lord Macdonald QC, Professor Sir Roy Goode QC, Nicholas Green QC, Professor Jeffrey Jowell QC, Alex Layton QC, Hugh Tomlinson QC, Professor George Bermann, Professor Paul Craig, Professor Conor Gearty, Chairman of the Bar, Joshua Rozenberg, Professor Kate Malleson, Professor Loukas Mistelis and Professor Takis Tridimas.
The conference was held at The Royal College of Surgeons, Lincoln’s Inn Fields, London, WC2A 3PE and was attended by more than 100 delegates.
Photos: Professor Spyros Maniatis (Director of the CCLS), Professor Loukas Mistelis, Professor Sir Roy Goode (Honorary President of the CCLS), Professor Takis Tridimas (Deputy Director of the CCLS) and Lord Hoffmann.
Download the CCLS 30 Anniversary Conference flyer [PDF 183KB]