Founder of European Intellectual Property Institutes Network (EIPIN) awarded Celebration Publication

On 23 June 2011, Dr Guido Westkamp attended a reception in honour of Professor Dieter Stauder to celebrate his 70th birthday at the Technical University Dresden. Professor Stauder, one of the most influential and recognised patent scholars in Europe, was presented with a Festschrift (Celebration Publication) entitled Nouritture del’Esprit , edited by Professor Horst-Peter Goetting and Dr Claudia Schlueter from our partner university in Dresden. Dieter Stauder shares important links with the Centre for Commercial Law Studies at Queen Mary as one of the founders of the European Intellectual Property Institutes Network (EIPIN).
View Nourriture de l'esprit Festschrift für Dieter Stauder zum 70. Geburtstag online.