Dr Rodrigo Olivares-Caminal - September public speaking events in Latin America
Dr Rodrigo Olivares-Caminal is in Latin America (Brazil, Argentina and Colombia) discussing the current EU economic situation, focusing on banking and sovereign debt aspects. His presentations will cover issues such as: bank recapitalisation, ILOLR, sovereign debt crisis, the EU financial architecture and the potential break-up of the Euro.
Dr Rodrigo Olivares-Caminal will present at:
Public Event
- 10 September 17.30-18.45
British Council, British Council Buenos Aires - register online
Events open to staff and students at the host institutions:
- 6 September - FGV Dereito (Rio de Janeiro) (Internal only)
- 7 September - Universidad Torcuato Di Tella and Universidad Austral (Buenos Aires)
- 10 September - Baker & McKenzie and British Council (Buenos Aires)
- 12 September - Universidad Externado de Colombia (Bogota)
- 13 September - ANDI-Legal Services Chapter (Bogota) and Universidad Nacional (Bogota)