Dr Rodrigo Olivares-Caminal panellist at 'Sovereign Risk: a world without risk-free assets' in Basel 8-9 January 2013
Dr Rodrigo Olivares-Caminal will be a panelist on a Seminar on "Sovereign Risk: a world without risk-free assets?" that will take place in the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) in Basel, on 8-9 January 2013.
His panel is titled Legal perspectives on sovereign default, moderated by Diego Devos (General Counsel, BIS). The panel will address several issues, including: How have recent experiences changed our perspective on the definition and the conditions of sovereign default and related debt restructuring? What is a sovereign default from a legal perspective, whether under market agreements (ISDA credit default swaps, etc.), rating agencies' methodologies or otherwise? What are the consequences and remedies for creditors? What lessons can be drawn from the stipulations or the lack of collective action clauses ("CACs"), exit consents, etc. - is it possible to organise in an orderly fashion the consequences of a sovereign default through Sovereign Debt Restructuring Mechanism ("SDRM")?
The participating panelists are: Lee Buchheit (Partner, Cleary Gottlieb), Antonio Sainz de Vicuña (General Counsel, European Central Bank) and Rodrigo Olivares-Caminal (Reader in Banking and Finance Law, Queen Mary School of Law, University of London).