Law PhD student presents a chapter on the House of Lords Select Committee on the Constitution at the Study Parliament Group annual weekend at Oxford

Jack Simson Caird, a PhD student at Queen Mary, presented a chapter on the House of Lords Select Committee on the Constitution at the Study Parliament Group annual weekend at Worcester College Oxford. The chapter has been written with Andrew Le Sueur, Professor of Public Law at Queen Mary and the former legal adviser of the Committee (2006-2009), for an edited collection titled 'Parliament and the Law', which is due to be published by Hart Publishing in September 2013.
The chapter was presented as part of a panel discussion on 'Parliament and Fundamental Values'. The panel contained Murray Hunt, the legal adviser of the Joint Committee on Human Rights, and Robert Hazell, Professor of British Politics and Government & Director of the Constitution Unit at University College London. The panel was chaired by Alexander Horne, who is the Human Rights, Public Law and Terrorism Specialist at the Home Affairs Research Section of the House of Commons, and MPhil student at Queen Mary.
Jack Simson Caird is the Academic Secretary of the Study of Parliament Group and Alexander Horne is the Official Secretary of the Group. More information on the work of the Study of Parliament Group is available