Law Summer Graduation and Prize Winners 2013

Students from the School of Law were awarded their degrees on 15 July 2013 at the ceremony held in the Great Hall in the People’s Palace at Queen Mary, University of London.
The 2013 results for undergraduate law were excellent; of the 215 graduating students 8% graduated with a First Class Honours Degree and 73% graduated with an Upper Second (2A) Honours Degree.
Head of the Department of Law, Professor Valsamis Mitsilegas said: “We wish our graduates all the best for the future and thank them for their valuable contribution to the School of Law and Queen Mary. Graduation is a celebration of our students’ achievement and marks the start of a new journey, moving either to further study or future careers. We hope that our alumni will stay in touch and continue as ambassadors for the School of Law.”
Each year prizes are awarded to first, second and final year undergraduate students in recognition of academic performance, with final year students receiving their prizes at the Graduation Ceremony. This year a total of 21 prizes will be awarded to students, four Department of Law prizes, seven Queen Mary College Prizes and 10 sponsored prizes from organisations such as Dechert, Old Square Chambers and Herbert Smith Freehills.
Professor Mitsilegas added: “We’re all very proud of the high standard of achievement in 2013 and congratulate the students who, against tough competition, have gained these prizes.”
View photos of QM Law Graduation on Flickr
Queen Mary College prizes:
- Summreen Mahween (final year)
- Terese Saplys (final year)
- Raluca Dumitru (final year)
- Alice Edwards (final year)
- Lucy Shaddock (final year)
- Sophie Lamb (final year)
- Benjamin Boulter (final year)
Department of Law prizes:
General prizes
- Oxford University Press Law Prize: Michael Rhimes
- Roger Crane Medal (finalist: academic performance and contribution to the life of the School of Law) - Terese Saplys
- Routledge Prize (best first year) - Amy Alexander
- Roy Goode Prize (best finalist) - Summreen Mahween
- Sweet & Maxwell Prize (best second year) - Shannon Diggory
Subject-specific prizes
- Criminal Law Prize - Nur Mat Asri and Julius Berling (first year)
- Dechert Prize for Contract Law - Graeme Scotchmer (first year)
- John Yelland Commercial Law Prize - Benjamin Boulter, Raluca Dumitru, Emma Kiver and Alexander Petkov (final year)
- Longman’s Property 1 Prize - Shannon Diggory (first year)
- Old Square Chambers prize for Labour Law: Aysha Best‐Forbes and Lauren Stone (final year)
- Pearl Prize for Family Law - Summreen Mahween (final year)
- Public Law Prize - Amy Alexander (first year)
- Herbert Smith Freehills Tort Law Prize: Jonathan Lit (final year)