No Feedback to be performed at JW3 with Dr Daniela Nadj leading discussion

Performances of No Feedback will be held at JW3, London’s first Jewish Community Centre and arts venue of its kind, Thursday 26 January 2017 at 6.30pm and 8.30pm.
No Feedback is an immersive theatrical event that combines cutting-edge human rights research and physical theatre. It takes the format of a meeting with you, the participant, at its heart. At the beginning of the meeting you will be given a “kit”, providing you with the necessary tools to be led through tests, games and choices. Finding yourself amongst people with seemingly similar traits you will have the opportunity to engage actively or to take a more observational role within your group. The outcome of the meeting and your individual pathway rely on your results and participation, but, do not fear, for the ‘Pink Ladies’ will guide you step by step.
The performance concludes with a concise informal discussion led by Dr Daniela Nadj, Public Law Lecturer at Queen Mary University of London (QMUL), ensuring the topical and powerful themes experienced within the event can be explored more fully.
No Feedback offers a unique experience to actively remember the atrocities of genocides all over the world and is programmed as part of this year's Holocaust Memorial Week.