Professor Penny Green spoke to BBC Radio 4 on 'The Rohingya violence: a textbook example of ethnic cleansing?'
Professor Penny Green, Professor of Law and Globalisation, and Dr Lee Jones, Reader in International Politics at Queen Mary University of London (QMUL) spoke to BBC Radio 4’s The Briefing Room about the Rohingya crisis in Burma. Dr Lee Jones, speaking on the citizenship of Rohingya Muslims, said: “Through the 1980’s they were stripped of their citizenship, becoming the world’s largest stateless population. And now there is hardly anybody in the country who recognises the Rohingya as one of the 135 national races.” Professor Penny Green added: “They have been forced out, they have been murdered on mass, they have been dehumanised and their identity has been stripped from them.” Listen to their interview (starts at two mins).
- Professor Penny Green is also Director of the International State Crime Initiative (ISCI).