European Copyright Society publishes two Opinions on important questions that have been referred to the CJEU
The European Copyright Society has just published two Opinions on important questions that have been referred to the CJEU. The first, focusing on Case 310/17 Levola Hengolo, considers whether the taste of a cheese be protected by copyright (the answer suggested is “no”). It can be found here. The second, a response to the reference in Case 476/17 Hutter v Pelham, provides suggested answers to the questions raised by a national court concerning a claim brought in relation to the sampling of a sound recording.
The School of Law’s Professor Jonathan Griffiths is a member of the European Copyright Society, a group of scholars from various European states who seek to articulate and promote their views of the overall public interest on all topics in the field of author’s rights, neighbouring rights and related matters. Find out more about the ECS.