Global Day of Action for Climate Justice
Legal Advice Centre takes part in the Student Law Clinics' Global Day of Action for Climate Justice

On 18 November 2019, the Legal Advice Centre at Queen Mary University of London organised a hand hold around the cemetery in order to raise awareness of the effects of air pollution and its contribution to climate change.
Poor air quality is the largest environmental risk to public health in the UK. Long term exposure to air pollution can cause chronic conditions such as cardiovascular and respiratory diseases as well as lung cancer, leading to reduced life expectancy.
Although air pollution can be harmful to everyone, some people are more affected because they live in a polluted area, are exposed to higher levels of air pollution in their day-to-day lives, or are more susceptible to health problems caused by air pollution. People with a low income are particularly vulnerable. This is because they are more likely to have existing medical conditions due to their limited access to jobs, healthy food, decent housing and green spaces. In 2012, up to 9% of deaths in London were caused by air pollution.
As staff and students from across the university stood in solidarity at the on campus cemetery, this served as a visual reminder of the message. At the core of the University, we were united in fighting for a cause which everyone (especially around Queen Mary) is affected by 365 days a year. The Legal Advice Centre were proud to support this international day of action and hope to continue work in this area moving forward.