Prof. Neve Gordon on Israel's cyperpower & dynamics in the Middle East
As its cyber-espionage sector continues to grow, Israel is starting to face questions about who its technology is empowering. IntuView created software for Saudi Arabia in 2015 to help track jihadists on social media, according to Bloomberg.
Neve Gordon, a Professor of International Law at Queen Mary University of London, believes these exports are having a significant effect on regional power dynamics. He said: “Regimes like Saudi Arabia and other Gulf states are today much more cozy with Israel than they are with other Arab regimes in the area. This might not be on a political level, but it’s certainly on the military and private security industry level. What you see is that the relationships between these countries is being shaped through the buying and selling of surveillance and homeland security products. You can even say that part of the realignment of the Middle East is happening through this industry.”