'Stop criminalising our musicians': Dr Tanzil Chowdhury signs a public letter, addressed to the Metropolitan Police
Dr Tanzil Chowdhury and Dr Musab Younis from Queen Mary were amongst 65 signatories from human rights organisations, as well as musicians, lawyers and academics, who wrote to The Guardian to call on the Metropolitan police to stop using repressive injunctions against musicians as a means to reduce gang violence. The letter reads: “We condemn this suppression: silencing one of the few avenues, through threat of criminalisation, by which young people can discuss the reality of their lives with any hope of being heard. The heavy-handed policing of music, and the structurally racist outcomes that follow from it, are not new. There is also a wealth of evidence to prove that limiting civil liberties in an attempt to appear tough on crime does not work. Read the letter by clicking here.