Queen Mary University of London Professor is the lead author of policy-brief on Reforming Investor-State Dispute Settlement and Promotion of Trade and Investment Cooperation
The Policy Brief was published by T20, the Think Tank attached to the G20, as part of their Trade, Investment and Growth Task Force

Loukas Mistelis, Clive M Schmitthoff Professor of Transnational Commercial Law and Arbitration at Queen Mary, chaired the Policy-Brief working group, which looked at the fragmentation of international investment agreements (IIAs). This is an urgent issue for reform because fragmentation results in divergent levels of protection and inconsistencies in applying and interpreting treaty provisions.
The groups suggestions were two-fold:
- Reduce fragmentation and enact a multilateral or plurilateral investment agreement covering jurisdiction, substantive protection, and procedure to increase investment and empower small and medium size enterprises (SMEs) to invest
- Any new institution is headquartered in an emerging market outside traditional Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) centers
Professor Mistelis, who was the Director of Queen Mary’s School of International Arbitration (2002-2019), now directs the QMUL-UNIDROIT Institute of Transnational Commercial Law, led the group which consisted of an international team of experts from Saudi Arabia, Brazil, China, India, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Russia and USA. In addition, the group consisted of four Queen Mary Alumni, Dr Faisal M. Alfadhel, Dr Crina Baltag, Dr Roberto Castro De Figueiredo and Giammarco Rao.
The full Policy-Brief is available on the T20 Saudi Arabia website.
More information:
- Learn about studying Comparative and International Dispute Resolution at Queen Mary.