The coronavirus conundrum and human rights
Professor Neve Gordon co-authored an opinion discussing the human rights implications of coronavirus measures being put in place

Neve Gordon, Professor of International Law at Queen Mary University of London, has co-authored an opinion piece for Aljazeera discussing the human rights implications of coronavirus measures being put in place. He writes: “These are strange times. From left to right, no one quite knows what to do or who to believe. While the rapid spread of the coronavirus has rendered many of us bewildered and confused, the edict to physically distance ourselves from others has managed to highlight both just how vulnerable and interdependent we all are. These are also extremely dangerous times. This is true not only, or even primarily, due to the deaths COVID-19 will cause, but rather due to the policies our governments are introducing or refusing to introduce.”
More information:
- Professor Gordon is a member of the International State Crime Inititative