Two Queen Mary PhD students win prestigious LAHP studentships
The London Arts and Humanities Partnership offers up to 90 studentships a year and are highly competitive

Two first year PhD students from the School of Law at Queen Mary University of London have won prestigious studentships from the The London Arts and Humanities Partnership (LAHP). Emma Raucent and Agnes Viktoria Rydberg will receive funding for full fees for three years, as well as a stipend.
LAHP candidates are judged on the quality of their research proposal, the preparedness of the applicant and the feasibility of the research. This includes past academic and professional achievements and the significance, originality and clarity of proposed research.
Professor Maksymilian Del Mar, Director of Graduate Studies in the Department of Law, said: ‘We are delighted two of our PhD students have joined LAHP – a vibrant, interdisciplinary community of doctoral students. The Department of Law strongly supports interdisciplinary legal research, and we look forward to further enhancing, together with LAHP, our training and support of innovative, humanities-based doctoral research in law.’
About the projects
Emma’s project will examine the role played by metaphorical language in the construction and evolution of (authoritative) meaning in legal reasoning. It focuses on the metaphors found in Human Rights law and adjudication, and specifically in the case law of the European Court of Human Rights. The specific topics of her research concern the historical genealogy of these metaphors and the role played by their perceptual, affective and kinaesthetic effects in court and beyond. Approaching language from a phenomenological perspective, her thesis generally purports to challenge the strict lines drawn between rationality and emotions in our conceptualisation of law and legal reasoning. Emma is supervised by Professor Maksymilian Del Mar and Dr Eva Nanopoulos.
Agnes’ research focuses on the obligations of States in the time interval between signing or ratifying a treaty and the entry into force of the treaty. Article 18 of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties requires States to refrain from acts that would defeat the object and purpose of a treaty prior to its entry force, but since this rule is opaque and does not not define its own contours, it continues to be a rich source for controversies. The research therefore provides an answer to what the scope of Article 18 is, in particular in relation to environmental law treaties, investment treaties, and human rights treaties. Agnes is supervised by Professor Malgosia Fitzmaurice and Dr Paul Gragl.
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