Dr Davor Jancic speaks at policy event on UK-EU parliamentary cooperation
The event was hosted by the Institute for the Study of European Law at the City Law School.

On 4 March 2021, Dr Davor Jancic, Senior Lecturer in Law at Queen Mary University of London, gave a talk at a seminar with policy makers entitled “Post-Brexit UK-EU Parliamentary Cooperation: Whose Representation?” The event was hosted by the Institute for the Study of European Law at the City Law School. Dr Jancic outlined the implications of Brexit for the UK Parliament from the UK, EU and global perspectives. The other panellists were: Lord Peter Ricketts (Crossbench Life peer in the House of Lords and Chair of the Lords EU Justice and Security Sub-Committee), Claude Moraes OBE (former Labour MEP for London and former Chair of the EP LIBE Committee) and Susanne Oberhauser (Head of the European Parliament Liaison Office in London). Access the recording via Youtube.