The Centre for Commerical Law Studies appoints new Director from September 2022, Professor Ioannis Kokkoris
Professor Ioannis Kokkoris succeeds Professor Ian Walden, who has been at the helm of The Centre for Commercial Law Studies for the last four years, steering the centre through the difficulty of a pandemic adapting to a new online teaching mode to our widespread international cohort and being a key part of celebrating our forty-year anniversary.

The Centre is very grateful to Ian for his time dedicated to his role as Director and are glad that he will still be part of the academic team at Queen Mary.
Our new Director, Professor Ioannis Kokkoris has been part of CCLS since 2014 as a Professor of Competition Law and Economics and is well known by many of our students and alumni. He has also been involved in many international trips meeting prospective students and alumni across the world.
Regarding his new appointment, Professor Kokkoris said, “I am very excited to take on the role of the Director of the Centre for Commercial Law Studies. This is a huge honour for me that will give me the opportunity to work closely with my colleagues at CCLS towards our common vision that has at its core the excellence of our Centre and our dedication to our student and research community.”
“CCLS has a number of strengths arising from our vast research expertise, the professionalism of our colleagues and our focus on offering an excellent education experience in a variety of areas of law, one that is uniquely combined with our experience from applying law in practice.”
“Having been at CCLS for 7 years, and acting in a senior University role for the last 3 years, I am committed to sustain the excellence of CCLS in all its areas of activities, supporting high quality research and its translation to impact, enhancing our cutting edge teaching programs and work closer with our alumni and with the legal and business community in addressing their bespoke needs.”
We are sure our community will join the team at CCLS in wishing Professor Kokkoris’ success in his new role and thanking Ian for his dedicated time as Director of CCLS.
More information:
- Read more about Professor Kokkoris on his Queen Mary profile.
- Find out more about the Centre for Commercial Law Studies.