Call for Papers: Queen Mary Law and History Research Group
The Queen Mary Law and History Group is a new initiative, led by PhD students, to encourage cooperation between researchers working on the theme of Law and History.

The Group welcomes PhD students and early career researchers to submit abstracts for 15-minute papers on law and history, covering anytime, period or place. Some possible themes include the history of law and gender, legal history and literature, history of international law, and history of legal philosophy.
The Group will hold Informal workshops on 26 April, 24 May, and 28 June where participants will present their papers, followed by an informal Q&A and open discussion.
How to submit
Those interested in presenting should send a 250-word abstract to, indicating in the email their name and university affiliation. The deadline to submit is the 17 March 2023.
Follow the Queen Mary Law and History Group on Twitter for more updates.