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School of Law

Human rights groups condemn shooting of pro-independence lawyer in West Papua

Professor David Whyte comments on the shooting of Yan Christian Warinussy in The National.

A woman at a rally holding a placard that says

Yan Christian Warinussy, who delivered the opening statement in the Permanent People’s Tribunal on West Papua looking at extra-judicial killings, land dispossession, torture and more, was shot on Wednesday.

Professor David Whyte, Director of the Queen Mary’s Centre for Climate Crime and Climate Justice, which organised the tribunal, said he was “outraged” at the attack.

“It is clear that this attack on lawyer Warinussy is an assault on the democratic rule of law, which the Indonesian regime espouses but has failed to uphold in West Papua. We condemn this attack and demand that the perpetrator be brought to justice.”

Read the full article in The National.



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