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School of Law

Microsoft security tools questioned for treating employees as threats

A forthcoming article on employee monitoring, co-authored by Dr Jeevan Hariharan has been featured in The Register.

A person sat at a table typing on a laptop. A cup of tea next to them.

A report by Cracked Labs has shown that software designed to address legitimate business concerns about cyber security and compliance treats employees as threats. It also claims to normalise intrusive surveillance in the workplace.

In their coverage of the report, The Register has cited a forthcoming article for the Modern Law Review by Dr Jeevan Hariharan, Lecturer in Private Law at Queen Mary University of London, and Hadassa Noorda, Assistant Professor of Criminal Law at the University of Amsterdam. They argue employee monitoring is concerning because it intrudes on physical (as opposed to informational) privacy and can in severe cases amount to a form of imprisonment.

Dr Hariharan and Dr Noorda said: “The software involved essentially allows constant monitoring of everything employees do or say, facilitating extensive surveillance of employees' communications and behavior at work, from their keystrokes to their physical movements."

Read the full article on The Register.



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