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School of Law

The Hindu manifesto 2024: Warts and all

Dr Prakash Shah has written an piece for Asian Voice analysing the recently launched Hindu Manifesto of UK.


The Manifesto makes several demands to the incoming government in the UK after the upcoming elections. These include the recognition of hatred against Hindus and the protection of Hindu temples in the UK. The aim is to encourage Hindus to vote for prospective parliamentary candidates (PPCs) that commit to its content.

Dr Prakash Shah, Reader in Culture and Law at Queen Mary University of London, argues that the manifesto could be more ambitious, but understands the reasons why its not: 'Hindus haven’t demanded much in the past, while politicians have taken them for granted. They know that Hindus vote in quite low numbers for elections. Hindus tend to be satisfied with photo opportunities and contracts, funding or awards for themselves without offering any political programme for enhancing the life of their community or the nation. Given this “chai-and-samosas” attitude, the manifesto’s walking-before-one-runs approach may be understandable.'

Read the full piece on Asian Voice.



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