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School of Law

Theorising the ‘humanitarian camp’ as a stage in the genocidal process

Professor Penny Green’s Leverhulme funded Project investigating the idea of humanitarian camp as an extension of the genocidal process has been featured in the Leverhulme Trust 2023 Annual Review.

A group of Rohingyan women and children refugees.

The project is based on eleven years of research and fieldwork on Myanmar’s genocide of the Rohingya, conducted in Rakhine State and the refugee camps in Bangladesh. It challenges the idea of the humanitarian camp as a place of refuge and instead explores the hypothesis that the camps may in fact be sites of genocidal reproduction facilitating the removal of the target group from their previous place in society, and furthering the destruction of their identity and agency.

In the summary of the project, Penny Green, Professor of Law and Globalisation at Queen Mary University of London, says: “The camp serves as a constitutive component of genocide, prolonging and enhancing the processes of stigmatisation, violence, isolation, systemic weakening, annihilation and social reorganisation.”

Read more about the project in the Leverhulme Trust 2023 Annual Review.



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