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School of Law

'Name Israel's Gaza genocide': International legal experts call for accountability

Professor Neve Gordon and Professor Richard Falk took part in a conference organised by the Palestinian Return Centre criticising the lack of the term 'genocide' in political discussions and media coverage of Israel's war on Gaza.

Destroyed buildings in Gaza.

Image by hosny salah from Pixabay

Neve Gordon, Professor of International Law and Human Rights at Queen Mary University of London, argued that international law remains limited in what it can do, despite arrest warrants and widespread condemnation.

He said: "The law privileges the state... It sees some things and ignores others. The apartheid system in Israel is a product of settler colonialism - yet colonialism is not codified as a crime in international law, making it beyond legal reach from the start."

Professor Richard Falk, Chair of Global Law at Queen Mary, said that it's unlikely Israeli leaders will be brought to justice: "There is no realistic prospect that arrest warrants will be enforced... Those responsible for these crimes have no fear of being held accountable."

Read more coverage of the conference on The New Arab.



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