Student Printing Services
24 September 2021
IT Services (ITS) provide printers located across all campuses for students to use for printing, scanning and copying.
Rosh Hashanah: bringing in a new year in September
6 September 2021
Rosh Hashanah, which means "head of the year" in Hebrew, is a two-day celebration that marks the beginning of the Jewish High Holy Days each autumn.
OneDrive for students: access your files anywhere
23 August 2021
From 28 August, OneDrive file storage will be available for students using desktop computers on campus. Find out what’s changing and how to access your files.
Student finance: are you an EU, EEA or Swiss national?
14 June 2021
Information for EU, EEA and Swiss nationals regarding student finance for the 2021/22 academic year.
Thinking about a student bank account
14 June 2021
You might be offered a whole host of goodies, such as a free railcard or shopping voucher, if you open a student account.
Tips for saving money
14 June 2021
Living in London can be expensive but there are many simple things you can do to help you save money.
Student finance for 2021/22 academic year
14 June 2021
Undergraduate students, have you re-applied for your student finance for the next academic year?
Funding available to help undergraduate home students over the summer vacation
1 June 2021
Queen Mary has funds available to help undergraduate home students over the long summer vacation.
Improving our campus accommodation through your feedback
1 June 2021
Queen Mary is using student feedback to guide our upgrade of affordable student accommodation on campus.
QMplus summer improvement work – 13 July and 17 August
1 June 2021
This summer, Queen Mary technical teams will be carrying out essential maintenance and upgrade work to the QMplus virtual learning environment. QMplus will be unavailable while the work is carried out, so make sure you’ve downloaded the resources you need.